



① 受け取る、得る

I got a phone call from her.


I get annual income of a hundred thousand dollars.


I got admission into the university I've applied to.


② 手に入れる、稼ぐ、買う

He gets a lot of money.


I got a cup of coffee at the convenience store.


I've got your back. (慣用句)

(直訳:私はあなたの背中を手に入れた ⇒私はあなたの味方だよ。)

③ 買ってあげる、もたらす

I got my son a new toy.


He has got his client triple the money.


④ 取ってくる、持ってくる

She got us a takeout (takeaway).


⑤ 間に合う

We somehow got the train.


⑥ 理解する

I got your point.


OK, I get it.


⑦ 連れて行く

I had to get him to the hospital.


⑧ get + 過去分詞 ; ~される

You're trying to get invited to Thanksgiving dinner.


Can you get dressed now?


⑨ get + 人 + to do ; 人に~させる

I'm going to get my doctor to see me tomorrow.


How did you get her to do that?


⑩ get + 人 + 過去分詞 ; 人を~の状態にする

I got her drunk.


⑪ get to ; ~するようになる、~できる、~する機会がある

⑫ get in ; (中に)入る、到着する、入学する

She didn't get in.


⑬ get around to ; (長い時間をかけて)ようやく~の機会を得る

The company got around to the announcement.


You're getting around to telling me now.


⑭ get ~ straight ; ~をはっきりさせる、~の要点を整理する

Let me just get this straight.


⑮ get at ; ほのめかす、暗示する

What are you getting at?


⑯ get up to speed ; 状況を把握する

I'm just getting up to speed.


⑰ have got to ; ~しなければならない

You have got to protect your assets.


⑱ get away with ; ~の処罰(罪)を免れる